WELL..... the Farming Momma has recently mentioned me by NAME in her blog... for which I feel most honored. (i won't mention the fact that she listed all the bloggers she could think of...) HA! Ok so I think I'm supposed to blog about this award she "gave" me. Since I'm always struggling for something to write (note that this is only my 10th? post in over a year) - I'm gonna do it. So thank you from the bottom of my heart, Farming Momma, for this great award!
Because I've received this there are a few things I must do:
- Add a link and a note of thanks to the person giving the award
- Pass the award on to 15 bloggers whose blogs you have recently discovered that you love
- Share 7 things about yourself
Seven things about myself:
- Pass the award on to 15 bloggers whose blogs you have recently discovered that you love
- Share 7 things about yourself
Seven things about myself:
1. I love to scale stain off of people's teeth
2. I love yellow rubber ducks and giraffes
3. I only have 36 days left that I have to go to school. (wait what?!!? wow! that's amazing!)
4. Our thermostat in our apartment is set at 57 degrees.
5. I love to be in the woods, in the mountains, and/or by a body of water and can't wait to get out of this small town where I have to put a lawn chair in my parking spot to save it after I've shoveled the snow out.
6. Sometimes I wear spandex, sweatpants, a tshirt, long sleeve tshirt, and a sweatshirt to bed. And that's under 6 blankets.(refer to number 4 if this sounds bizarre)
7. I am really good at remembering birthdays and phone numbers.... even my elementary school teachers and friends. Here's proof: Miss Ranck, 3rd grade, Feb. 14th. Miss McGinnis, 5th grade, April 29th. Rachel Lusby (bender) 593- oh wait... i probably shouldn't post that on here. haha well her birthday was Feb. 6th anyway.
So now I have to find 15 bloggers....
1. From the Guest Bedroom -friend from HS
2. Jenny's Endeavors -friend from Elem/Middle School
3. Shades of Grey -big sister
4. Robyn in Burundi -friend from VA
5. Revelling, Reckoning, Rambling -friend from HS
6. Live.Laugh.Love -friend from work
7. Life of 2 Kings -they don't actually blog anymore.... but my 2nd cousin
8. Simply Serving -also doesn't blog anymore -friend from church
9. The Lehman Family -friends from.... school/church/life
10. I guess I can't count the Farming Momma -friend of big sister
that's actually all I have... time to go get ready to clean my momma's teeth!