Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I often think of things I want to do when I "settle" down.- you know, stay in one place for longer than a year or 2. Things like eating unprocessed foods- mainly from my garden, making my own bread, recycling, joining a gym, you know... good things that I should do now but just isn't feasible... 

Well for various reasons and at various times throughout the day today- I kept thinking how I really want to be involved in my community (wherever that community may be!) Either in dental hygiene ways- like volunteering to give hygiene presentations to classrooms, or Sealant Saturday things. Or volunteering at a soup kitchen or thrift store. Or joining a local club sports team. Or being on local committees- like school boards, or church committees- like outreach, fellowship, and what not. 

I'm really looking forward to being involved... and eating all that healthy food!

one of these days i'll post a picture to go with my babbles but for now, this is what you get. sorry!

Monday, January 24, 2011


Hearing a sermon on Sunday that mentioned oil anointing reminded me of the last time I was anointed.... by none other than that awful basketball coach I mentioned before. She thought if we were anointed we would play better. I mean... maybe.... or maybe we just needed a coach.


ok now I'm working on getting over this... pray for me! :)