Friday, October 2, 2009

Back to Blogging??

hahaha! So I've been checking my blog lately to see if I've magically posted something without knowing it.... I haven't. I promise I am fully aware that I am currently posting a blog. My sister, Karla, had taken a hiatus from blogging since joining facebook and it's so sad to me... even though I'm a native to facebook and not blogging... anywhos.... I haven't posted since January and there's a very good reason for that.....
Dental Hygiene School Clinics.
That pretty much sums up my life right there. This past summer was.... not one of my favorites. Andrew was home in Ohio, and I was stuck living in my depressing apartment in New Cumberland sans friends. However...... It was lovely to be able to have some time to get things done around home that I always want to do. I was also quite busy every weekend traveling home, Ohio, and the like.
Of course, school has been in full swing again for what seems like an eternity. Midterms have started..... and i really should be studying for those right now.... but I'm pretty sure it's not actually the middle of the term.

Something that I have noticed lately is that I am disliking more and more people. I limit this dislike to my instructors at school.... and if you knew them, you'd understand and agree with me, I'm certain.
I've always been one to make friends with those with few friends. I'm able to tolerate people that drive most everyone else crazy. But for some reason... I'm very adamant about now much I don't like a few of my instructors. How frustrating!!!! I know I am called to love EVERYONE, and I've never struggled with that as much as I do right now.

Clinic hasn't been quite as fun this year as it was last year. It's so much more stressful! I am constantly having to think about meeting requirements and finding the right patients to meet those requirements and then... BOARDS! How will I ever find someone for boards?!?! I don't even want to think about that anymore.....

Moving on to happier subjects.......... GRETA!!!!!!!!!!!! I am finally Aunt Britty! I'm pretty sure the only people who might possibly read this are my sisters.... but in case you're not.... Greta Joy Mock was born on September 14th. I wasn't there.... but she definitely came out BEAUTIFUL! Wow!!! I'm actually going out to see her in a couple hours.... shh! her mommy doesn't know! :) She is awesome and I love her so much!!!!!!!!!!!!
In other exciting news.... KARLA IS PREGNANT TOO!!! hurray!!!!!! More babies!!! I think she'll have a boy. But it would be cool if she had a girl cause then Greta could have a bff. But...... Greta IS the kind of cool person who would totally rock having a male bff. So indeed Karla will have a boy. :) The next time I post will probably be when that comes true. :) She's due April 1st. April is an excellent month to be born, so he's lucky.... I would know.

Alright I apologize for the random, poorly written, un-comical blog that I have just written.... it is titled.... babbles...... so........

Til Next Time!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Brittany, I LOVE YOU!! You crack me up! Give Greta a hug & kiss for me. I'm so jealous you get to go and surprise her! And, I'm sorry that this semester is going so poorly. But I get to be your patient next semester, right? (AND, I'll be on mat. leave, so scheduling won't be such an issue!)

    I think it is hilarious that at 2 weeks, you already think Greta is cool enough for a male bff. But you are DEFINITELY the sole person who thinks we are having a boy. At least at this point in time!

    I guess I'll see you at the wedding next weekend? Hang in there!
