Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Week 16: Funny story...

 Size of Baby: Avocado (roughly 4.5 inches)
What's that Babe up to: listening to me, growing hair, eyebrows and lashes, making taste buds
Symptoms: Round Ligament Pain, and the typical unmentionables
Food Cravings: buffalo chicken
Food Aversions: none
Weight: 155
Weight gain so far: 7 lb. (i think it's time to slow down... i still have 24 weeks to go!!!
Maternity Clothes: I've worn a dress, 2 skirts, and a belly band so far. Oh and a pair of pants for work.
Stretch Marks: no- checking weekly and using coconut oil
Sleep: multiple nights of fitful sleep due to suffocating dreams!
Best moment this week: hanging out with our friends from PA- The Derr's!!!! :) Also- fair food.
Miss Anything: Sleeping through the night without having to go downstairs to pee
Movement: nothing yet, but anxious to feel something this week! They say I could this week...
Belly Button: In, but looking different
Wedding Rings: still fit
Looking Forward To: My sister coming this weekend for baby organization! and feeling my baby move!
 Ok so I have a funny story that actually probably isn't nearly as funny as I'm sure it was in real life. You know, one of those, "had to be there moments." Anyway- so last Saturday evening Andrew's family all got together for his sister's birthday (which is today!) and as the later evening was rolling by we went inside for a game of Up and Down the River. Classic card game. There were 10 of us sitting around the table playing. About half way through (we'll say around 9:30pm... getting really late you know) people were getting funnier and funnier. Ultimately- someone (I don't remember who) said something REALLY funny (I don't remember what) and I started laughing. Really, everyone laughed a little... the difference is I was laughing a lot. And I couldn't stop. I kept laughing and everyone starts looking at me and laughing that I'm laughing so hard. My sweet husband tells me that it wasn't really that funny. Oh, he meant well.. I'm sure. But my uncontrollable laughing fit immediately turned into an uncontrollable sobbing fit. I kid you not. I was bawling- tears and snot everywhere- sobs, like where you hiccup your back. It was awful. I was completely out of control of my own body. HA! Everyone else was still watching me and now not know what to do (I remember my bro-in-law saying he couldn't tell if I was laughing or crying) How awkward.
I finally recover from that and we continue in the game... then again someone says something and I just chuckled. That's it. Again, my sweet, well-meaning husband says- "don't laugh too hard and start crying again." My response: "Don't say that, I feel like... I'm.... on... the.. verge!!!!" As I'm speaking this sentence I cry out the last part and start crying ALL OVER AGAIN. uncontrolled. unstoppable.
This is a true story.

In other news... Our friends spent Sunday and Monday morning with us and it was quite delightful!!! We usually see them about twice a year, only this year they were much closer in the calendar! We hung out at home, saw my brother-in-laws homemade airboat, went to the Fulton County fair, and played some Chutes and Ladders and Sequence. Fun-filled day! Monday morning Andy helped Andrew with some moving/lifting things that I don't do, and Amber and I watched Dr Quinn while putting together a puzzle. :) Every time they leave or we leave them, Andrew and I always seem to say, "They are such fun people. I wish they lived closer." And it's so true.

The rest of Labor Day Andrew and I spent digging potatoes out of the garden- which was actually pretty fun! We weren't sure if we were going to get very many potatoes but with the first dig the plant had like 5 or 6 potatoes on it and we both were yipping with glee. We ended up with over 125 pounds of potatoes. I don't hardly ever make potatoes (which as a member of a potato farming family is probably shameful) so I'm going to have to change that here this year! The best part is we have a lot of red skin potatoes. The reason I never make them is because of the prep time involved in washing, peeling, and cutting them up. I had to do that almost every night after school when I lived at home (where a meal without potatoes... isn't really a meal). I think that's why I hate it. The beauty of red skins is they don't need peeled! Hallelujah! :)

Andrew and I then picked up some tomatoes from the field that had just been harvested.... SO many wasted tomatoes!!! We got way more than we needed (with a whole field full still there) and that's what I worked on on Tuesday.

To end our productive day at home we took the cycle to Bryan to get a movie and eat pizza and buffalo chicken dip together. We got Flight, because we both love Denzel Washington. Neither of us was a fan of the movie. Probably his worst ever. Sorry Denzel... but the best part was of the home video he was watching where he was "coaching" his son on his backyard football play and it was reminiscent of Remember the Titans (my favorite Denzel movie) Too much nudity, drugs, and alcohol for these folks!

That was our week! Now as my 16th week begins I'll be anxiously awaiting to feel our little avocado's movements! Look for some before and after photos next week on our nursery preparation!! :)

16 weeks.... I thought this was interesting...
10 weeks ago I looked like this!
Now I look like this!



  1. Typically, that's a "you had to be there story", but with your story-telling skills, I was laughing out loud at my kitchen table. :)

    1. haha! well I'm glad I got you laughing. You're always so good to my ego.
