Saturday, October 5, 2013

Week 20: Half Way There!

Size of Baby:  Banana. (really?? what does that mean? oooooh just looked it up- here on out it is measured head to toe instead of head to butt) (6.5 inches long, 10.2 oz)
What's that Babe up to: heshe's got tastebuds... and drinking amniotic fluid... yuck
Symptoms: random crying, moodiness- I'm real touchy these days, just ask Andrew.
Food Cravings: whatever someone mentions.
Food Aversions: none, i'll take it all- including those leftover fries my co-worker, Ashley, knows to save for me now.
Weight: 163
Weight gain so far: 15 lb. give or take a couple pounds depending on the day and time
Maternity Clothes: yes and loving it. I went through my jean collection again, and got rid of the half that didn't fit anymore- only one pair of non-maternity ones fit!
Stretch Marks: not yet, but I feel doomed since I have them elsewhere from my freshman 15...
Sleep: good, although I had a few minor leg cramps last night (eek!) and I'm congested laying down, which is apparently bothersome to my husband. So I slept propped up on 3 pillows last night- I felt rich.
Best moment this week: potluck at church. ;) and the hymn sing Sunday night. It was a moody week...
Miss Anything: knowing why I'm crying.
Movement: a little more frequently now! Still not terribly obvious, though. I would normally just think it's gas or food moving through my intestines (or whatever food is called once it's in your intestines...)
Belly Button: In, but getting flatter... I can see it all!
Wedding Rings: still fit
Looking Forward To: last week I was looking forward to my massage on Tuesday. My therapist was sick. Boo. Now I'm looking forward to another weekend at home doing nothing!
 Seriously? My kid is half-baked right now? My pregnancy is halfway over? If I would turn around and go backwards it would take as long as going forward and meeting my gift from God???? Hallelujah!!! I have thoroughly enjoyed being pregnant, as I think I may have mentioned last week, so I'm not like "oh good I'm halfway done with this pregnancy awfulness just give me the child already!" I am more so thinking "oh good! I'm halfway through the journey of meeting my baby!" Cool. But let's get some honesty in here too: I can't wait. at all. As much as I am afraid of the baby coming early (my parents will be away!) I don't want it to come a day late either!!! February 19th is a good day. It's gotta be! My birthday is the 19th and it's done well for me. Merciful heavens, I just realized something... probably half of the people reading this right now have their birthday on February 18th. Not really, but honestly- I know SOOOOO many people who have their birthday on the 18th. I think February 20th sounds nice.........

In other exciting and big(gest) news... we get to SEE our baby on Tuesday!!!!!!! My first ultrasound is Tuesday at 10:00 and I'm so excited to see what it looks like. Surely, they all look the same, but I'm pretty sure if it's going to have a huge nose I'd like to get a warning sneak peek! hehe! Andrew and I have decided to not get any other tests to see if the baby is all healthy, well, and good so this will be our first clue to whether something is wrong or baby is fine. I'm not one to worry much, so I'm assuming everything is great. If it's not, you know I'll be freaking out in tears on here next week.

You can't mention ultrasound (or anything pregnancy) without mentioning whether you're going to find out or not. That seems to be everyone's biggest query. Andrew and I had a pretty standard answer for the first 19 weeks of this pregnancy: we don't know, we haven't decided yet. Well... it's decision time and the decision has been made. We will find out and we will share the exciting news at our baby shower! Until then the word is mum, and don't even try to get it out of me early because no one thinks I can keep it a secret.... well all those naysayers have underestimated my stubbornness. I am glad we are telling people before delivery because let's be honest- no one likes secrets.
Have you seen the new fad of gender reveal parties?? I considered that as an option too but hadn't decided if it was cool or crazy yet. I mean, I would love it, but would anyone else?? My sister is actually the one that suggested having a gender reveal at the shower. I'm pretty pumped about it. Actually I'm really really anxious for it and cannot wait. eeeeeeek!!!! :) See what I mean? I'm thoroughly enjoying being pregnant. In fact, I told my sister that I'm excited to pack our hospital bags. She asked if I was aware that it is way too soon to do that. I told her, yes of course, I'm not that ridiculous... I'm just looking forward to it!
That takes my thoughts to something my friend wrote about in her blog tonight: (Kimberly Wyse)... something I've thought a lot about too, especially in the last 5 months. Is my excitement and joy of being pregnant hurtful or painful to people who read it? I know many friends and family members who long to be pregnant, to be a mother, but haven't been able to yet and I wonder- do you read this and twinge with pain? I guess I don't really know where to go from there.... except to say that my heart breaks and breaks and breaks for you. And I hope God's merciful grace gives me compassion and gives you hope.

In other unrelated babbling thought-news:
If you see me in other social media- you may have noticed my name change. I have been Brittany Spotts for about a year and a half now but when I introduce myself on the phone, or even real life, when I see my name written anywhere- It looks or sounds so awkward, funny, or just not me. I had a hard time giving up my name entirely which was a surprise for me. It was an identity crisis thing... I literally cried when I got my new driver's license. It said I was Brittany Spotts from Ohio... when all my life I've been Brittany King from Pennsylvania. Not that I was interested in staying Brittany King for the rest of my life, but when I went to the SS office I was planning on keeping my whole name and just tacking Spotts on at the end. Well, I get nervous under public pressure like that and I just simply became Brittany Spotts. No King. Anywhere. Except-- on Facebook, Pinterest, Emails, Instagram, etc.... I became Brittany King Spotts. I never liked having a short last name and Spotts isn't really much of an improvement in that department so having all three there (plus my middle name) looked more satisfying. Well in this last week, I've given it some more thought and I decided that maybe the reason why I say "Hi, this is Brittany King" when I call my Dr's office is because I'm not used to seeing Brittany Spotts. So I've gone through all my email and social media and changed my name to display as Brittany Spotts- my friends should remember who that is by now... so I think it's ok. (although, I confess, I put Brittany King in parentheses for Facebook... baby steps...) Brittany Spotts. That is my name. And it will someday be the name I've had for most of my life.... once I turn 51.... What are your thoughts on name changes??

Here are some more nursery projects that I got done in the last week or so:
i drew and painted this, but did not come up with the design- no creativity here!

painted a trashcan on the right and covered an old play-doh tub with wrapping paper. Maybe another trashcan?

added a background to the bookshelf. 


  1. http://www.kimberlywyse.comOctober 5, 2013 at 10:45 AM

    Thanks for the share, Brittany. I'm glad to hear someone enjoys pregnancy! Ha!

    1. Shoot dog, I was thinking about those who can't get pregnant, but should also be keeping in mind, those who suffer through pregnancy!!!

  2. Hey! It's fun to hear about your life being pregnant. I can't relate to that. :) BUT I have been thinking about the whole name change thing. I don't know if I will be Dawnell Marie Groff still (because a lot of women in Mexico don't change their name), or Dawnell Marie García (because I'm an American and getting a new married name here is common) or Dawnell Marie Groff de García (which basically would associate me with the García man I'm marrying but I'm still a Groff and always will be a Groff). Hmmm.... What do I do?! :)
