Friday, November 15, 2013

Week 26: Hubster Love

Size of Baby: a head of lettuce. haha.
What's that Babe up to: nothing terribly exciting... has eyelashes now. I guess that's nice to keep the dirt out.
Symptoms: heartburn, lower back pain, bloody noses, leg and foot cramps. However I went to the chiro and she fixed my lower back pain for at least a while and gave me tips for my foot pain.

Food cravings or aversions: Mac and cheese!
Weight: 175.
Weight gain so far: 27 lbs. no shame for no judgment?
Maternity Clothes: love them. Outgrew some already. Gee, Louise.
Stretch Marks: unfortunately I have a couple on my hips, bilaterally. None on my belly!
Sleep: getting a lot of hours of interrupted sleep again. With Andrew going to work earlier we go to bed earlier but I still get up at the same time.... But I get up 3-4 times a night to pee and drink.
Best moment this week: reviving my marriage to my awesome husband at A Weekend To Remember. Learning how to draw closer to oneness so we don't become just roommates.
Miss Anything: my feet not hurting 

Movement: Usually every morning and every evening/night, and sometimes if I'm lucky enough to lay on my back during the day
Belly Button: change! Half of my belly button is starting to swell a little bit.... I totally didn't think it would pop out but now I think it's possible!
Wedding Rings: still fit
Looking Forward To: a weekend at home in Pennsylvania!!!

So this week truly was a great one, and it's all because of my weekend with Andrew in Ft. Wayne. Family Life's A Weekend To Remember is a marriage conference where marriages are saved and renewed. We learned that if we are not intentionally drawing closer to each other and oneness, we will naturally drift apart to isolation.  We heard awesome speakers sharing how to love extravagantly, forgive generously, and enthusiastically encourage each other. We learned what causes marriages to fail, how to communicate effectively, and how to serve and lead and learned some tips on biblical parenting. Ok it was a marriage conference, so we talked about "celebrating intimacy" too, and yes, we learned some things. ;-) we learned so much, we grew so much, and I am SO excited to change things to show love to Andrew as we grow closer. We thought it was a really great weekend and would encourage any couple at any age, at any stage to go to one of their weekends. They are all over the country. We were blessed by Andrews parents for their gift of this weekend, and we also saved a considerable amount of money by volunteering at registration, which was super easy and a blessing in and of itself, as we met new people! If you're considering going but concerned about cost, I would recommend volunteering too! Andrew and I thought there was so much good info to be shared with our friends and church back home that we bought the small group kit that shares the info in a 6 week/session format for small groups. If you live around us, we would love for you to join us in pursuing a biblical strong marriage! That was another thing we really appreciated... Everything they said was biblically-based. Scripture was read throughout the sessions, using the original source for advice and guidance! They did have many other resources available as well, which we bought a couple of (books)!

In other news... My scrub pants are getting tight around the front where there is no elastic. These would be the scrub pants that I never tie, just wear a bellaband over.... The ones that are big and comfy normally, now they are tight and cutting into my belly. Ugh. I have 3 more months of work before I have this awesome kid and my pants aren't going to last that long. Anyone have any extra large black pants??? I have 2 pairs of maternity dress pants I wear too but one of those is also getting kind of tight... And then I have my yoga pants. Hehe! We have to wear black pants and a white lab coat so I've  gotten away with wearing my yoga pants twice now. I always feel sneaky wearing them, but I think soon they will be the only ones I can wear! 

Work is still busy and crazy but I manage to go to the bathroom about every hour. Talk about annoying. Except for this morning. I had to go at 8:30 but managed to be running behind all the way to 11:30 so I felt bad taking a break to go.... Probably not my healthiest choice. Which is worse, holding it for 3 hours or eating a maple frosted long john from the Doughbox? Because I did both of those things today. But I also saw the chiropractor and bought some new boots.... Which are both healthy.

Next Tuesday I have another on appointment and we will schedule my glucose test then and then I have an OB appt every other week!!! Eeeeeeek!!! I'm so excited for that. We get to meet our progeny soon!!! Haha! Yikes. To be clear, I am excited for the bimonthly appointments, not the glucose test. Thought I should clarify. 

Well cats, time to go. I'm afraid the preggo picture will have to be non-traditional this week since I'm on my way to PA and didn't bring a white tank and won't have my normal background. You'll be fine with that I'm sure.

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