Thursday, February 25, 2010

I heart The Farming Momma

OK.... So I follow this blog called The Farming Momma. It's really well written and is usually quite funny. I found the blog through my sister's blog- Shades of Grey - and after I had been reading it for a while I asked Karla who The Farming Momma is... Turns out I've actually met her. Anyways... there are many funny stories about all of this but most likely, if you're reading this you've already heard them.
WELL..... the Farming Momma has recently mentioned me by NAME in her blog... for which I feel most honored. (i won't mention the fact that she listed all the bloggers she could think of...) HA! Ok so I think I'm supposed to blog about this award she "gave" me. Since I'm always struggling for something to write (note that this is only my 10th? post in over a year) - I'm gonna do it. So thank you from the bottom of my heart, Farming Momma, for this great award!

Because I've received this there are a few things I must do:

- Add a link and a note of thanks to the person giving the award
- Pass the award on to 15 bloggers whose blogs you have recently discovered that you love
- Share 7 things about yourself

Seven things about myself:
1. I love to scale stain off of people's teeth
2. I love yellow rubber ducks and giraffes
3. I only have 36 days left that I have to go to school. (wait what?!!? wow! that's amazing!)
4. Our thermostat in our apartment is set at 57 degrees.
5. I love to be in the woods, in the mountains, and/or by a body of water and can't wait to get out of this small town where I have to put a lawn chair in my parking spot to save it after I've shoveled the snow out.
6. Sometimes I wear spandex, sweatpants, a tshirt, long sleeve tshirt, and a sweatshirt to bed. And that's under 6 blankets.(refer to number 4 if this sounds bizarre)
7. I am really good at remembering birthdays and phone numbers.... even my elementary school teachers and friends. Here's proof: Miss Ranck, 3rd grade, Feb. 14th. Miss McGinnis, 5th grade, April 29th. Rachel Lusby (bender) 593- oh wait... i probably shouldn't post that on here. haha well her birthday was Feb. 6th anyway.

So now I have to find 15 bloggers....
1. From the Guest Bedroom -friend from HS
2. Jenny's Endeavors -friend from Elem/Middle School
3. Shades of Grey -big sister
4. Robyn in Burundi -friend from VA
6. Live.Laugh.Love -friend from work
7. Life of 2 Kings -they don't actually blog anymore.... but my 2nd cousin
8. Simply Serving -also doesn't blog anymore -friend from church
9. The Lehman Family -friends from.... school/church/life
10. I guess I can't count the Farming Momma -friend of big sister

that's actually all I have... time to go get ready to clean my momma's teeth!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Resolve to Rely

So I've had this blog for a little (very little) over a year now... and I only made 7 posts!!! As suspected from the beginning, I'm not a good blogger. Most likely, you read many interesting, funny, and witty blogs every day. Well... Allow me to be your source of boringness.

I started a blog post a couple weeks (or was it months?) ago, but I was too tired at that moment to actually make it a real post so I just jotted some notes and a copy of a conversation I had with my boyfriend. I meant to finish it in the next day or so, but end-of-semester demands are quite.... demanding. Then with all the Christmas traveling and festivities, I haven't had a chance to... or at least, that's my excuse.

So here it is...

Ok... well I was having some difficulties with school and I was trying to fix things and figure things out on my own, worrying about them and the like... when ...

My devotional said something to the effect that when things build up, God is seeing what our reaction will be and if we turn to him for help or just try and do it all on our own........i usually do the latter

I then was talking about this with my boyfriend... mentioning how I usually try to do things on my own until I fail and give up... then I turn to God. Andrew challenged me to stop before failing (i think i was on the verge) and turn to God first. Before, I was complaining about my troubles... and he said to let God handle them... and I responded with...

i actually thought about that - it's funny you should mention that. the thought danced quickly through my mind amidst my worries - "if things were all easy i wouldn't need faith - i should just rest and let him handle this"

the thought was too fleeting. but thanks for bring it back! it is easier said than done.

A:how easily it is to forget.........i hate that

A:prone to wander

Then I remembered something from my class at school that day. We were talking about lesson plans and teaching hygiene in schools and adult groups...

it's like our lesson today in class- positive reinforcement and negative consequences- we give negative consequences so that a bad behavior becomes extinct - but sometimes it takes multiple consequences for the same behavior before someone learns

that's what my instructor said and i thought about how frustrated i would be with myself if i was God!!!

I suppose my New Year's Resolution will be to let the bad behavior-- not relying on God-- become extinct. Wish my luck!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

treatment plan my shower?!?!

Oh dear.... I have so much to do tonight, but I just have to share this little thought dream I had in the shower about 10 minutes ago...
For those not experiencing dental hygiene school, let me give a brief summary about one portion of our enormous requirements....
For every patient we have a treatment plan. This treatment plan includes every detail of what we plan on doing, what we have done, and the modifications that exist. We need to estimate how long each process will take. So for example, starting out on a new patient: HIPAA - 2 min, Informed Consent- 2 min, Med Hx- 15 min, Med/dent hx review- 20 min, instructor check- 10 min, EIOE-25 min.... etc etc...
this isn't really anything like what i just described..... but i needed a picture. :)

Ok.... there's your background!
I was reading my dearly loved Real Simple magazine this evening while waiting for my scrubs to dry at the laundromat and I read that showers should not last longer than 10 minutes because you will lose your natural oils & lipids on your skin. At the time, I thought to myself... Good! I only take 10 minutes.
Well... I was in the shower tonight and I desperately needed to shave my legs... which got me to thinking... How do you really expect me to do additional things in the same amount of time? I was having the same attitude that I get towards my instructors because that is exactly what happens. It gets worse... I then began thinking of all the tasks I complete in the shower... shampoo hair, conditioner, wash face, shave pits, soap up... then the optional shave legs or pumice heels, shave arms, etc. Then I was thinking that I should write out these tasks and figure out how long each one takes so I can ....... GASP!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT AM I DOING?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I CANNOT treatment plan my showers! Horror of horrors..... School is invading my life even more than I realized.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hope from the Philippines

This has to be a quick post cause I have a midterm to study for yet!!! yikes! But I just wanted to share this little experience....
So I have been struggling lately at school- staying motivated, focused, and content. I've noticed myself complaining about my instructors a ton and just letting EVERYTHING bug the crap out of me. Now... I still believe whole-heartedly that these things are deserving of this but... it really brings me down. I left school yesterday thinking... I really don't even want to be a hygienist anymore. This sucks. I called Andrew and complained and whined to him a bit, and scared him by saying I just wanted to eat a box of donuts.

Well.... be comforted... I didn't eat a single donut. I got home and a letter from Jerica was sitting on my table. She is always such an encouragement to me in her letters!!! Jerica is the child I sponsor through Compassion. Jerica always shares a verse with me that she's memorized and this time the verse was: "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." How awesome is this?!?! I was so humbled. Jerica is also struggling in school right now with the busyness of it all, the extra activities she's in and the competitiveness of the school system (in which she excels!). I thought it was neat that we are both experiencing similar difficulties at the same time... while she is only 12 years old, living in poverty. I have so much to be thankful for, and yet she is the one with the right frame of mind!

this is my most recent picture of Jerica:

That's all I really wanted to share. Like Andrew told me later... isn't it awesome when you can see God deliberately showing you something!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Back to Blogging??

hahaha! So I've been checking my blog lately to see if I've magically posted something without knowing it.... I haven't. I promise I am fully aware that I am currently posting a blog. My sister, Karla, had taken a hiatus from blogging since joining facebook and it's so sad to me... even though I'm a native to facebook and not blogging... anywhos.... I haven't posted since January and there's a very good reason for that.....
Dental Hygiene School Clinics.
That pretty much sums up my life right there. This past summer was.... not one of my favorites. Andrew was home in Ohio, and I was stuck living in my depressing apartment in New Cumberland sans friends. However...... It was lovely to be able to have some time to get things done around home that I always want to do. I was also quite busy every weekend traveling home, Ohio, and the like.
Of course, school has been in full swing again for what seems like an eternity. Midterms have started..... and i really should be studying for those right now.... but I'm pretty sure it's not actually the middle of the term.

Something that I have noticed lately is that I am disliking more and more people. I limit this dislike to my instructors at school.... and if you knew them, you'd understand and agree with me, I'm certain.
I've always been one to make friends with those with few friends. I'm able to tolerate people that drive most everyone else crazy. But for some reason... I'm very adamant about now much I don't like a few of my instructors. How frustrating!!!! I know I am called to love EVERYONE, and I've never struggled with that as much as I do right now.

Clinic hasn't been quite as fun this year as it was last year. It's so much more stressful! I am constantly having to think about meeting requirements and finding the right patients to meet those requirements and then... BOARDS! How will I ever find someone for boards?!?! I don't even want to think about that anymore.....

Moving on to happier subjects.......... GRETA!!!!!!!!!!!! I am finally Aunt Britty! I'm pretty sure the only people who might possibly read this are my sisters.... but in case you're not.... Greta Joy Mock was born on September 14th. I wasn't there.... but she definitely came out BEAUTIFUL! Wow!!! I'm actually going out to see her in a couple hours.... shh! her mommy doesn't know! :) She is awesome and I love her so much!!!!!!!!!!!!
In other exciting news.... KARLA IS PREGNANT TOO!!! hurray!!!!!! More babies!!! I think she'll have a boy. But it would be cool if she had a girl cause then Greta could have a bff. But...... Greta IS the kind of cool person who would totally rock having a male bff. So indeed Karla will have a boy. :) The next time I post will probably be when that comes true. :) She's due April 1st. April is an excellent month to be born, so he's lucky.... I would know.

Alright I apologize for the random, poorly written, un-comical blog that I have just written.... it is titled.... babbles...... so........

Til Next Time!!!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I thought I might blog now since I actually have time to do things other than school. School starts in a week. Just as I thought it would, break went way too fast. I am grateful for another week though, since some of my dear loved ones have already started. I am more or less terrified of school right now. The first two weeks are going to be the worst because it's orientation and I have to literally be there all day long. However, I'm afraid it won't get much better after that because then I start seeing patients!!! I am definitely terrified of that. Of course, if you're signed up to be one of my patients then no fear, I totally know what I'm doing. (and if you're not... WHY NOT?!)
Besides what I've just written I try my best to not think about the semester and just enjoy this last week of freedom that I have. Some things that I'd like to get done this week are to bake and cook some real food since once school starts, I won't have time for that. I also would like to finish the scrapbook that I started for Andrew. It was supposed to be done in September... I don't have time during school to work on it so I'd like to get it finished before Wednesday. I also would like to make a comforter - lap size- because Jan and I just discovered how fast we went through the oil.... we can't afford to heat our crappily insulated apartment (ok I can't afford..) so we decided to have minimal heating and lots of blankets. I am currently downstairs, where it's a little warmer, with sweatpants over pajama pants, a tshirt, long sleeve tshirt and sweatshirt, fuzzy socks and slippers. Yes, I look AWFUL and ridiculous, and yet... I'm still cold. This may not be a surprise to some. Anyways, back to what I want to get done... I also would like to donate plasma... I hear it's for a good cause, which I'm all about. I also need some extra cash (no cash is extra to me) sooo hopefully I can get Andrew to go with me so I do it. If the first time goes alright, I think I'll make a habit of it. We'll see. I also would like to get some decorating and crafting done that I enjoy doing but sits by the wayside when school is in session.
Hold up... has anyone else noticed that school has INVADED my blog??? blech. I have a week. I WILL enjoy it.
I wonder where the snow is that we were supposed to get?? hmm... i have a feeling all of Pennsylvania got it except for me. I guess that means I can go grocery shopping tomorrow. I also need to run.. I've been exercise-deprived lately. Luckily, I haven't gained weight... but I know it's coming!!! So I will stave it off tomorrow. And maybe the next day. haha!
ok well.... I think that's the end of my random thoughts. I think I'll go work on Andrew's scrapbook. I wish I had heat.
still thinking blogging is dumb,

Monday, December 22, 2008

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
Wrapping paper! so much more fun to open, and show off wrapping skills.

2. Real tree or Artificial?
I support real tree Christmases. I love the smell of the pine...mmm.... However, the madre has the artificial one.

3. When do you put up the tree?
Whenever it gets done... after Thanksgiving

4. When do you take the tree down?
When my dad starts getting grumpy about it. As for the tree in my apartment... I have no idea, its my first tree!

5. Do you like eggnog?
I think I've only tried it once in 7th grade. I don't remember hating it.

6. Favorite gift received as a child?
This is hard to think of... I remember I was really excited to receive my first porcelein doll. I also remember loving all the Barbie stuff I got one year.

7. Hardest person to buy for?
My dad!

8. Easiest person to buy for?
Michelle... I can basically shop for myself.

9. Do you have a nativity scene?
Yes, but not any that have their own pieces. I hope that someday I can get the Willow Tree nativity when my mom equates me with my older sisters.

10. Mail or email Christmas cards?
mail... though I'm not consistent in giving these out every year

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?
Some dumb kid got me a vampire movie once. Why would I want that???

12. Favorite Christmas Movie?
I can't really think of many right now... Probably A Christmas Carol. Come to think of it... While You Were Sleeping takes place over Christmas. Does that count??

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?
After Thanksgiving sometime. This year I started after I was done with school for the semester

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?
As in re-gifted?? hehe yes... I feel it's perfectly acceptable to do this.

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
My mom's Amish Roast

16. Lights on the tree?
Of course. White only.

17. Favorite Christmas song?
ooo.. This is a toughy... favorites would be The Little Drummer Boy, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, Angels We Have Heard on High, Good King Wenceslas, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, & Carol of the Bells all by Mannheim Steamrollers... I also like me some Transiberian Orchestra. Now as for songs I like to sing?? I like God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen & Joy to the World best.

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home?
I travel home.

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
dasher, dancer, prancer, dixon, cupid... rudolph. Nope. I can't. ooo there is no dixon.. its vixen..

20. Angel , star, or other tree topper?

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?
Christmas Eve

22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year?
I'll agree with Karla, the dry skin is very annoying. I also don't like crowded stores. The most annoying thing is probably the greedy grumpy people.

23. Favorite ornament, theme or color?
I don't know that i have one... I made mom's tree blue & white which is nice. But i missed the country ornaments, so I made another one. I think I do like the fancy looking things.

24. Favorite for Christmas dinner?
well I'm all about tradition when it comes to things like this... I like the salmon Christmas Eve and Amish roast sometime for some meal. Ooo... and my mom's delicious special mashed potatoes

25. What do you want for Christmas this year?
I'd like a nice black coat to wear to church. I also need an iron and vaccuum cleaner. I could use more sweaters & dressy clothes. I'd like a new winter dress. I'm pretty sure I'm not getting any of these things... which is totally ok. :) There are many other wonderful things that I would love to have. Sorry Andrew... I don't think I helped you out so much here did I??

Merry Christmas!