Thursday, December 5, 2013

Week 29: Serious Swelling

Size of Baby: an acorn squash. Either our acorn squash is tiny, or this baby just shrank! Holy Schnikes! I just read that it will triple in weight by the end. oh boy.....
What's that Babe up to: hardening bones, maturing muscles and lungs, producing red blood cells, and making more fat.
Symptoms: heartburn, lower back pain, bloody noses, leg and foot cramps, frequent urination, plantar fasciitis, major swelling

Food cravings or aversions: nothing this week
Weight: 183
Weight gain so far: 35
Maternity Clothes: I think I like my maternity wardrobe a lot more than my regular one!
Stretch Marks: no new, but bunches on my hips
Sleep: so much better this week with my body pillow!
Best moment this week: Thanksgiving activities, decorating for Christmas, and more time with the hubster!
Miss Anything: my thin face

Movement: all day long
Belly Button: starting to pop out! I'll show you a picture if it ever fully does....
Wedding Rings: off. wearing a fake band, but even that's getting too tight.
Looking Forward To: watching Catching Fire this weekend!

Swelling, swelling, and more swelling!!! My feet and ankles have experienced a great increase in size lately. Usually noticed at the end of the day when my feet are killing me and I finally take my shoes off and prop them up. I take a look at my ankles and I can't seem to find them anywhere!!! This past week it has gotten down right disgusting. Last Friday I was on my feet for most of the day, what with shopping, and volunteering at Ten Thousand Villages, and decorating my house for Christmas, by the end of the night my feet hurt so bad so I took my shoes off to massage them a bit and took one look at my ankles in horror, then laughed! My ankles were tennis balls!!! The inside ankle (is that still called the ankle?) was so fat that you couldn't even see the bone. I pushed in the swelling and when I let go, the indentation stayed there!!!! Talk about disgusting! I slept with two pillows under my feet that night, but when I woke up, the left ankle wasn't completely down. Saturday I was decorating at the church for Advent, so I was on my feet for hours upon hours again and same thing- came home (this time in the afternoon) and checked my ankles and sure enough- both very swollen again. My nurse friends tell me it's pitted edema and to prop my feet up and drink lots of water. So Saturday I took an hour and a half nap (because who can prop their feet up and not fall asleep) with my feet way up in the air, and the swelling went down!! Hurray! I don't really see how I'm going to get anything done though.
I was moving this fluid around
huge cankles!! with my finger mark
nice sock line and serious pitting
Have I mentioned that I have plantar fasciitis? Apparently for most, that means heel pain, but for me, it's extreme arch pain. It really makes me waddle. haha! It's not really funny, actually; it hurts real bad. I can't walk around barefoot for more than literally 10 steps before my arches are burning with pain. Resting them doesn't make them better, they hurt when they hit the floor in the morning. Crocs and my sneakers seem to be the only shoes that I can wear without them hurting so that's all I've been wearing for a while. However, my toes were getting awfully tired of being in Crocs all the time so I invested in some Dr Scholl's arch pain insoles and some other bands I wear around my arches for support and they have helped a lot. I don't know if it's because I was on my feet more, or if they are getting worse, but my feet were starting to hurt even with the insoles and my sneakers. Hopefully it was just because I was on my feet more. Even though I can't prop my feet up at all at work, I am at least up and down throughout the day- not just standing or walking around!

That was 2 large paragraphs of what some would call complaining. Be it known that I was documenting how I'm doing. I am still extremely grateful that I've had an easy pregnancy with no sickness to speak of. I still love being pregnant, it's just starting to get pretty uncomfortable!!! Nothing I can't live with for another 11 or so weeks.

Yikes. That's soon.
I broke the zipper on my sweatshirt because it was too tight!
The rest of the week has been pretty much more of the same. Go to work, feet swell, come home exhausted and TRY to put them up, and start over again the next day
trying to do this more!
I went about a week or so without sleeping with my body pillow because I needed to wash the cover and was too lazy to put it back on. I didn't realize how much better and deeper I sleep when I have it! This week's sleep is much improved!

My doctor appointment on Tuesday was pretty uneventful. Which is a good thing I guess! My sugar was good, my blood pressure was phenomenal, and the baby's heart rate was normal! She seemed totally unconcerned with the swelling, which led to me forgetting to ask if I should get compression socks. I've decided on my own that I should. And by "on my own" I mean with my sister prompting me. A sweet friend is gonna hook me up. I hope I like them and don't hate them... Which is what I'm expecting....

The house is all decorated for Christmas! I have a bookshelf and a teapot collection that I would like to get organized better and decorated but that's a project that's been on my to do list for a while... We shall see when that gets done... Want to see some pictures?

Blessings to all!!
way more flattering with more than just the tank!!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Week 28: Test Results Are In!

Thanks Gretchen King for my new shirt!
Size of Baby: an eggplant
What's that Babe up to: lots of moving around! Making more fat, again just like momma
Symptoms: heartburn, lower back pain, bloody noses, leg and foot cramps, frequent urination, plantar fasciitis 

Food cravings or aversions: nothing this week
Weight: 181.  No gain!!!
Weight gain so far: 33lbs
Maternity Clothes: I just want to wear yoga pants every day.
Stretch Marks: more on my hips
Sleep: getting a lot of hours of interrupted sleep again. With Andrew going to work earlier we go to bed earlier but I still get up at the same time.... But I get up 3-4 times a night to pee and drink.
Best moment this week: seeing my friend Stephanie again after much too many months! And seeing Alexa after much too many weeks! And seeing her mom's reaction to her surprise trip home for thanksgiving.
Miss Anything: breathing while laying back was nice

Movement: morning, night, anytime I lay on my back, and now randomly throughout the day
Belly Button: when I'm really full, like after a thanksgiving meal, it looks so different! I think it's going to pop out. I can make it pop out!
Wedding Rings: The engagement ring was getting too hard to get off for work so now I just wear a band I got at kohls. It works!
Looking Forward To: getting into the Christmas spirit!!!

Preggo picture, Christmas Tree edition
nothing.    Done!
That was Andrew's contribution to the blog this week, 

Anyway! So last week I had that scary glucose test that my doctor thought for sure I was going to fail. Well isn't she silly. So for those who don't know, you have to drink a very sugary drink and then wait an hour and have your blood drawn afterwards. So I took my recipes that I printed and wrote them on index cards to pass the time. I got my blood drawn (which I HATE) and went to work. People complain about that sugary juice saying its so sweet it's intolerable. I suppose if I felt like I did my first trimester about sweet stuff I would agree but I really didn't think it was so bad! I rather enjoyed it. Mine was orange flavored. Well I didn't hear back about my results for what seemed like the longest time, then finally I got an email saying my results were in! Of course it took forever to navigate around but finally I saw it. My score was 121 which was pretty much right in the middle. Phewie! I was very nervous and anxious about having gestational diabetes, knowing that I would be a terrible diabetic! So praise The Lord,  I don't have to deal with that. Seriously, thank you, Jesus. 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Week 27: Failed Urine Test!

{insert imaginary picture here}
Size of Baby: a rutabaga!
What's that Babe up to: showing brain activity. We're gonna have a pretty smart baby...
Symptoms: heartburn, lower back pain, bloody noses, leg and foot cramps, frequent urination, extreme thirst at night

Food cravings or aversions: anything sweet- more on that in a bit
Weight: 181. totally gained 5 pounds this week. I'm so screwed.....
Weight gain so far: like 33lbs or something. I know. I said I'm screwed.
Maternity Clothes: I just want to wear yoga pants every day.
Stretch Marks: unfortunately I have a couple on my hips, bilaterally. None on my belly!
Sleep: getting a lot of hours of interrupted sleep again. With Andrew going to work earlier we go to bed earlier but I still get up at the same time.... But I get up 3-4 times a night to pee and drink.
Best moment this week: spending time with my mom, sister, and nieces this weekend!!!
Miss Anything: dessert

Movement: morning, night, anytime I lay on my back, and now randomly throughout the day
Belly Button: looks less flat- half of it looks like it might pop out, the other half is hidden and hard to see...
Wedding Rings: I've been struggling to get my engagement ring off at work, so I'm gonna leave it off during the week and just wear it on the weekends.... until it doesn't fit
Looking Forward To: seeing my awesome friends, Stephanagy and Alexa, in Virginia this weekend!!!

{insert imaginary picture here}

   This is bad. This is very bad. This has the potential to get really really downright wretched. Tuesday I had my regular OB checkup. I'm pretty used to the routine- walk in, drop purse and coat and step on the scale, try not to be ashamed of the number and happily follow the nurse to the room where I plop my things inside and go to the bathroom to pee in a dixie cup, then go back to the room, get my blood pressure checked and wait for the doctor......

Well...... Tuesday the nurse came back in instead of the doctor. She told me that my glucose was high in my urine test. That's right... sugar in my pee. And so she needed to check my blood. Awesome. She pricks my finger (ow!) and squeezes it to get some blood, except that no blood comes. So then she pricks my other finger REALLY HARD (OWWW!) and says, "Sorry, that was mean." Seriously, she said that. That finger is still sore. At least I got a pink camo band-aid. Anyway, my blood sugar was 95 and she told me that was good. I wouldn't know. I cursed the lucky charms I had for breakfast that morning. (I later remembered I also had 2 chocolate chip cookies for breakfast.... so all I had eaten so far that day were 2 cookies and a bowl of sugary cereal)
My doctor came in smiling and I like to smile when greeting people but this made her ask if I was expecting to hear that news. No. No, I was not. And I'm NOT happy about it, even more so when she told me she was restricting me to NO sugar!!! Who does she think I am?!? Yeah, I feel tough enough to go through labor without an epidural but I know my limits when it comes to self-control in the food department. Specifically, the sweets aisle of that department! I don't know that I can do that!!! I got home from the appointment all sorts of depressed and upset and thought about all great food we had in our house... not just the fruit snacks and smarties I've been loving, but since it was Andrew's birthday, we have birthday cake, texas sheet cake, my MIL's chocolate chip cookies, his grandma's cinnamon buns. I had plans for making a shoo-fly pie soon, along with some pumpkin rolls. I have a cup of hot chocolate almost every day. Sweets are a very large part of my life and contribute greatly to my happiness. I've always said diabetes is the disease that I want the least... ever. (I'm sure if I had cancer, or leprosy I'd change my mind) but I know that I'd be a terrible diabetic. Having gestational diabetes would definitely affect how much I've been loving this pregnancy. Let's hope it doesn't come to that. I just can't help jumping to the worst right now...

 So I was going to have my glucose screening scheduled within the next week or so anyway, but she said because of yesterday's test she wanted to have it done before the end of the week. SO, this morning (I conveniently didn't have any patients until the afternoon) I went in for the one hour glucose screening. I'm pretty sure my doctor was expecting me to fail. I haven't gotten my results back yet, so I guess you'll just have to check back next week to see if I have to take the dreaded 3 hour test!!! Although, maybe it's not as bad as people make it sound. That's how today went. I've read and heard so much about the glucose drink you have to chug and how awful it tastes and people want to vomit it out, etc. etc. Well..... I must have the world's largest sweet tooth or something, because I thought it tasted good!!! haha! It's way better than Mountain Dew- which I think tastes like a sugary syrup. My flavor was orange. I mean, I wouldn't pick it out of a cooler to drink, but I chugged it no problem. :) Then I walked around the hospital a little bit and found some sofas by a fireplace. It was a great place to spend my 60 minute sugar high and crash. Actually I didn't feel any different, ever. I can handle my sugar pretty well. hehe! I spent my time writing out recipes on index cards to declutter my cookbook area of printed recipes. Afterwards I was SOOO hungry (my doctor made me fast for the test) so I stopped next door to Lefty's Pizza (where I didn't see any hairnets or hats...) and enjoyed their pizza buffet and salad bar. I totally made up for my missed breakfast.

Speaking of salads... I've finally started exercising again. Ever since the time change I haven't been going on my walks like I used to. I miss it- they always made me feel so good. But now it's dark when I get home from work. So now I'm borrowing my friend's exercise bike and I plan to bike at least a little bit every day. I started yesterday and so far I haven't missed a day! ;)

Tonight I spent some money on my feet-aches. I bought some little toe-less, heel-less sock band things that have a gel mound under my arch that I can walk around barefoot with! I've been trying them out so far and I like it! They aren't the MOST comfortable-fitting thing ever, but my arch doesn't feel like it's stretching beyond it's capabilities like it does without anything. I also got some Dr Scholl's inserts for my non-Croc shoes. They are specifically for sore arches, so hopefully they help. Then finally, I bought some epsom salts for foot soaks. Ahhh yes, that sounds delightful right now.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Week 26: Hubster Love

Size of Baby: a head of lettuce. haha.
What's that Babe up to: nothing terribly exciting... has eyelashes now. I guess that's nice to keep the dirt out.
Symptoms: heartburn, lower back pain, bloody noses, leg and foot cramps. However I went to the chiro and she fixed my lower back pain for at least a while and gave me tips for my foot pain.

Food cravings or aversions: Mac and cheese!
Weight: 175.
Weight gain so far: 27 lbs. no shame for no judgment?
Maternity Clothes: love them. Outgrew some already. Gee, Louise.
Stretch Marks: unfortunately I have a couple on my hips, bilaterally. None on my belly!
Sleep: getting a lot of hours of interrupted sleep again. With Andrew going to work earlier we go to bed earlier but I still get up at the same time.... But I get up 3-4 times a night to pee and drink.
Best moment this week: reviving my marriage to my awesome husband at A Weekend To Remember. Learning how to draw closer to oneness so we don't become just roommates.
Miss Anything: my feet not hurting 

Movement: Usually every morning and every evening/night, and sometimes if I'm lucky enough to lay on my back during the day
Belly Button: change! Half of my belly button is starting to swell a little bit.... I totally didn't think it would pop out but now I think it's possible!
Wedding Rings: still fit
Looking Forward To: a weekend at home in Pennsylvania!!!

So this week truly was a great one, and it's all because of my weekend with Andrew in Ft. Wayne. Family Life's A Weekend To Remember is a marriage conference where marriages are saved and renewed. We learned that if we are not intentionally drawing closer to each other and oneness, we will naturally drift apart to isolation.  We heard awesome speakers sharing how to love extravagantly, forgive generously, and enthusiastically encourage each other. We learned what causes marriages to fail, how to communicate effectively, and how to serve and lead and learned some tips on biblical parenting. Ok it was a marriage conference, so we talked about "celebrating intimacy" too, and yes, we learned some things. ;-) we learned so much, we grew so much, and I am SO excited to change things to show love to Andrew as we grow closer. We thought it was a really great weekend and would encourage any couple at any age, at any stage to go to one of their weekends. They are all over the country. We were blessed by Andrews parents for their gift of this weekend, and we also saved a considerable amount of money by volunteering at registration, which was super easy and a blessing in and of itself, as we met new people! If you're considering going but concerned about cost, I would recommend volunteering too! Andrew and I thought there was so much good info to be shared with our friends and church back home that we bought the small group kit that shares the info in a 6 week/session format for small groups. If you live around us, we would love for you to join us in pursuing a biblical strong marriage! That was another thing we really appreciated... Everything they said was biblically-based. Scripture was read throughout the sessions, using the original source for advice and guidance! They did have many other resources available as well, which we bought a couple of (books)!

In other news... My scrub pants are getting tight around the front where there is no elastic. These would be the scrub pants that I never tie, just wear a bellaband over.... The ones that are big and comfy normally, now they are tight and cutting into my belly. Ugh. I have 3 more months of work before I have this awesome kid and my pants aren't going to last that long. Anyone have any extra large black pants??? I have 2 pairs of maternity dress pants I wear too but one of those is also getting kind of tight... And then I have my yoga pants. Hehe! We have to wear black pants and a white lab coat so I've  gotten away with wearing my yoga pants twice now. I always feel sneaky wearing them, but I think soon they will be the only ones I can wear! 

Work is still busy and crazy but I manage to go to the bathroom about every hour. Talk about annoying. Except for this morning. I had to go at 8:30 but managed to be running behind all the way to 11:30 so I felt bad taking a break to go.... Probably not my healthiest choice. Which is worse, holding it for 3 hours or eating a maple frosted long john from the Doughbox? Because I did both of those things today. But I also saw the chiropractor and bought some new boots.... Which are both healthy.

Next Tuesday I have another on appointment and we will schedule my glucose test then and then I have an OB appt every other week!!! Eeeeeeek!!! I'm so excited for that. We get to meet our progeny soon!!! Haha! Yikes. To be clear, I am excited for the bimonthly appointments, not the glucose test. Thought I should clarify. 

Well cats, time to go. I'm afraid the preggo picture will have to be non-traditional this week since I'm on my way to PA and didn't bring a white tank and won't have my normal background. You'll be fine with that I'm sure.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Week 25: Oh So Preggo!

25 weeks
Size of baby: cauliflower. These food analogies are dumb and must be totally inaccurate.
What's that Babe up to: growing more fat and hair... Just like momma me!  Also knows which way is up and down.... Sometimes not like momma me.
Symptoms: heartburn, lower back pain, bloody noses, leg and foot cramps

Food cravings or aversions: none this week
Weight: 174. Finally slowing down a bit
Weight gain so far: a lot
Maternity Clothes: yes, the addition this week was using my bellabands for my scrub pants! Genius.
Stretch Marks: yes! I found my first new stretch mark in the shower yesterday... Just a little red guy which tells me it's not from college... Located on my right hip. None on my belly yet!
Sleep: can't get enough of it. Currently in bed right now... Since 8pm!
Best moment this week: hanging out with my momma all weekend! The best moment if that? Probably picking out my fabrics for the baby blanket!
Miss Anything: my feet

Movement: Back to feeling it every morning and every night. Good baby...
Belly Button: change! Half of my belly button is starting to swell a little bit.... I totally didn't think it would pop out but now I think it's possible!
Wedding Rings: still fit
Looking Forward To: this weekend Andrew and I are going to A Weekend To Remember in Ft. Wayne. I am so looking forward to some quality time with my hubbo! I think we may consider this our babymoon!

25 weeks
   Seriously I think I ballooned at least two inches in my belly this week. It feels so much bigger! I grunt every time I lean over to pick something up (which is way too often) and struggle to reach things already. Andrew likes to remind me  (in his own little horrified tone) that I still have a ways to go and I'm already looking so big. Yes I know dear, I struggle to breathe now and pee 10 times a day ( It really was 10 today... I counted) and I'm just at 25 weeks... What am I going to be like 10 weeks from now.... Let alone 15 weeks from now. Holy crap that's soon.

I have thought this whole pregnancy (or most of it) that you are truly and fully PREGNANT at 30 weeks. I stand corrected by myself. I feel fully and truly and hugely PREGNANT now... At 25 weeks. But seriously in a short 5 weeks I will be 30 weeks pregnant, that's like almost the end. My third trimester is only 3 weeks away! What happened to the second trimester?! It took forever to get here and now it flew by. I'm not sure I'm ready for the third tri yet! I like being mildly pregnant with a cute big belly... I don't want to have swollen feet, walk with a waddle and be sweating all the time. I don't want to have to get up during every patients appointment to pee. Its funny to think about, it's funny to talk about,  but the actual living it during a stressful day at work is not very enjoyable. I wish maternity leave started at 30 weeks and lasted for 30 weeks... Or forever...

just checking on the view...
Speaking of patients... I had a patient today wish me well with my pregnancy because her niece just lost her baby at 25 weeks when everything was going well and normal. There was no explanation for the miscarriage. Another niece just lost her baby 24 hours after delivering a supposedly healthy baby. Why would you share something like that with a 25 week pregnant lady?!?! Not cool, patient, not cool. 

Well I've been laying in bed here for almost an hour as I wrote this and attempted a conversation with my momma... Sprint service is incredible these days.... Incredible awful. Andrews and my peace and happiness level should increase after we can get new phones!!! Anywho.... I'll add in the pictures once I take them. This is all you get for now!

The fabrics for the baby blanket!!!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Week 24: Schedule gets better!

Week 24
Size of baby: Cantaloupe. What?!?! That's huge...
What's that Babe up to: skin is slowly becoming less transparent and with a little pink glow compliments of himher's capillaries. Officially viable outside the womb-- if any emergency were to occur. Please no.
Symptoms: heartburn, lower back pain, bloody noses, leg and foot cramps

Food cravings or aversions: I had my first ice cream craving today! Andrew kindly obliged by stopping in at the store on his way home from work. He loves ice cream more than me, so he didn't object one bit!
Weight: 173. Hitting 170 did not bother me near as much as 160 did.
Weight gain so far: a lot
Maternity Clothes: my larger pre-preggo tshirts are getting tight, and some sweatshirts don't make the cut anymore. I love the comfort and quickness of pulling down maternity pants when I gotta go, but I really hate how they don't stay up above my round butt. I am a belt-wearer for this reason and this was a problem I did not think about, and I hate it.
Stretch Marks: no sir
Sleep: on the mend from the last 2 weeks' stress
Best moment this week: finally being able to catch my breath on Sunday, relaxing all by myself.
Miss Anything: my pants staying up?

Movement: Heshe has gotten soooo much more mobile these last few days! Feels like heshes's doing cartwheels in there! :) And I'm loving it, of course.
Belly Button: no more changes
Wedding Rings: still fit
Looking Forward To: My momma is coming out to visit this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!
24 Weeks
 First of all, I've been smelling my pot roast since 2:30 and it's now 7:30 and I haven't eaten it. I can't wait for Andrew any longer.... be right back.
Well it's 2 days later. Andrew had nice timing and came in just when I was carrying the dishes to the table. Anyway--- where was I? Oh right... not even started yet.

So as you may have seen in my previous catch-up post- life has been BUSY lately! I've been working more and working harder, and dealing with a lot more stress than I typically find in my life. I don't like it, but there is hope on the horizon.... did you see my momma is coming out to Ohio this weekend?!?! So excited for that.

Last weekend Andrew had the pleasure of going to Pennsylvania, to my parents' home... without me. I was super-bummed as you might imagine. I couldn't go along because I had a dental hygiene Continuing Education course to go to in Indy with my co-workers and dentist/boss man. I didn't go into the class with the most stellar attitude, but it turned out to be a great class where I learned a lot and was encouraged to do more for my patients. Thanks, God!

We've had some really nice days around here as far is weather is concerned (until Wednesday!) So after I got my hair cut on Tuesday, I rounded up the family (Andrew & Libby) and found a spot to take some Christmas pictures. It took some experimenting trying to get Libby to look at the camera while at the same time Andrew and I remembering to sit straight and smile pretty. I think we got one that will work. Here are some that didn't....
Andrew trying to get Libby to look at the camera
Oh Libby
"eehhh you're choking me!" -Libby

nice try. nice try.
Thursday was a scary day. I had some changes with my body, that I'll spare you the details of, but which put me on higher alert with my health/baby health. Throughout the morning at work I was feeling crampy and just generally different. I hadn't felt our little peanut move since Wednesday morning and even then it wasn't very much, compared to what I was feeling the days before that. At lunch I was texting Andrew and trying to get a hold of my doctor, who inconveniently has the same hours as our office, and was really scared that something was wrong with the baby. I, of course, was crying while ordering my Wendy's chicken sandwich. Well, my last patient for the day came and as I'm dismissing them, her mom, who is an OB nurse, and I were talking about my pregnancy and my day and she encouraged me to go to the Women's Center (where I'll deliver!) and get checked out... if nothing else, for peace of mind. So I did! I thought it would be a quick check, but I was there for about 45 minutes before they let me go, even though they knew everything was ok from the start. HURRAY!! While I was laying on the bed, listening to my baby's heartbeat, and hearing all the movements, and seeing that I was not contracting at all, I finally felt at peace. I even dozed off a little while laying there! The baby must have gotten the hint that I like feeling himher move when heshe heard the doppler, and so the baby moved hisher position and I started feeling the baby again without having to hear the movements! Thank you!!!

When I sat down to write this journal entry, I think I had a lot more to say, but now that it's taken me 3 days to complete, I don't remember what I'm missing. So I guess this will suffice! ;) Until next week! (WEEK 25!!!)
better clothed 24 weeks!
I have so much joy in my belly!! :)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Weeks 22 and 23 Stats Catchup!!

Work was simply crazy and busy every day the last 2 weeks so I found no time at all to write any posts, or take any pictures. It was a good reminder that I never want to work full time ever. Of course, I really already knew that.... Anyway- I did record some stats for week 22 and used my memory for week 23, so here they are...

Week 22.........
Size of baby: papaya!
What's that Babe up to: sleeping in cycles, about 12 to 14 hrs a day.... That would be nice. I've learned that heshe cannot be woken up just because I want to feel himher move!
Symptoms: heartburn, lower back pain

Food cravings or aversions: none
Weight: 169
Weight gain so far: a lot.
Maternity Clothes: yes and loving it. Though I'm still excited when I fit into my normal clothes
Stretch Marks: not yet, but I feel doomed since I have them elsewhere from my freshman 15...
Sleep: great!
Best moment this week: making lots of applesauce for the family! :)
Miss Anything: not this week... Loving it all

Movement: feeling it more and more every day! They have become my favorite moments of the day.
Belly Button: In, but getting flatter... Will it pop???
Wedding Rings: still fit, and just get them shined and sparkling. Woowee!
Looking Forward To: my OB appointment and massage on Tuesday!

Week 23.........
Size of baby: grapefruit
What's that Babe up to: forming nip.ples. no really. also, listening to my voice and heartbeat- probably realizing that my heartrate is crazy and fast!! Can hear other loud noises too- like Libby barking.
Symptoms: heartburn, lower back pain, emotionally unstable
Food cravings or aversions: none
Weight: 170
Weight gain so far: 22 lb. Dr said that I can gain up to 45 lb since I started out with such a great BMI pre-pregnancy! Score!!!
Maternity Clothes: more and more. I'm running out of bins for clothes that don't fit anymore.
Stretch Marks: still doing ok in this department
Sleep: awful- but mainly due to work stressing me out and making me dream about work!
Best moment this week: Being able to tell someone what we're having! (calm down, it was my Dr.) and also the reassurance that our baby is healthy, well, and good, despite my quad-riding, lunchmeat eating, and rare beef eating that went on the week leading up to the appointment.
Miss Anything: I already miss not being able to ride the four-wheeler anymore. Dr gave me her first personal restriction- no more quad rides unless it's to simply, safely, and slowly get from point A to point B.

Movement: feeling himher moving every day now!
Belly Button: no more changes
Wedding Rings: still on
Looking Forward To: next week when life will slow down a little bit so I can catch my breath

I'm about to post my current week 24 now so stay tuned for some bonus pictures! (to make up for the lack of any on this one!)