Friday, August 30, 2013

Week 15: Only One!

How about some more stats?? :)
Size of Baby: Naval Orange
Symptoms: Round Ligament Pain
Food Cravings: none
Food Aversions: none
Weight: 152
Weight gain so far: 4 lb
Maternity Clothes: I've worn a dress, 2 skirts, and a belly band so far. Oh and a pair of pants for work.
Stretch Marks: no- checking weekly!
Sleep: With a snoogle pillow which I love!
Best moment this week: hearing the heartbeat again!
Miss Anything: Yes! sleeping through the night without having to go downstairs to pee!!!
Movement: nothing yet, just gas bubbles!
Belly Button: In, but looking different!
Wedding Rings: still fit
Looking Forward To: My sister coming next week for baby organization!
   Check it out!! Amalah answered my question on her blog!!! I'm so excited! I read through the comments and found someone else claiming to be the original poster... funny- she must have used the same words as I did!  See it here! Amalah's blog is one I started following once I became pregnant because of her pregnancy calendar. It's much more interesting and entertaining than The Bumps.

I had my second OB appointment on Tuesday this week. When the nurse took my blood pressure right away it was super-high! 140/78! I was then nervous that this orange was giving me high blood pressure and, oh goodness, am I going to have to take medication?! Well... after sitting down for a while and getting to hear that precious heartbeat that I'm in love with my doctor took it again and it was 114/58. MUCH better and much more normal for me! *phew! Other than that it was a pretty short and easy appointment. Oh! I almost forgot! When she was checking the baby's heart rate she said, well let's make sure there's just one in there... Immediately I thought "oh shoot- Andrew isn't here... what if she finds two!!!" So she found the sweet baby's heart beat first on the left, then she went to the right and found mine, then she moved a little more towards the center and heard the baby's again. My eyes got big (because she wasn't close to the first spot) and she paused and said... "I think that's the same baby." It was the exact same heart rate and she said it was just from another angle/side. OK!!! If you say so! I'll breathe a little easier once I only SEE one. (although I think twins would be AWESOME... we're not quite financially prepared for that!!!) Anywho... from my last visit (5 weeks ago) I gained 4 lbs. Awesome... I've started to become more concerned about gaining too much weight too fast and not exercising enough. But when I put it like that, that's less than a pound a week. I think now that I'm in my second trimester I'm supposed to gain about a pound a week. Of course I gain 5 lbs in a day but seem to somehow burn it off in my sleep!

I've started taking walks with my dog more too. I'd like to make it more of a regularity but when work is exhausting and then I have to preserve my garden I don't much feel like going for a walk. I'm pretty excited about the new leash I got her though! It's one of those retractable kinds... since she likes to run off when I'm walking too slow. Actually she's pretty good about coming back and we don't walk on a very busy road, but still-- a little more peace of mind. I think she's going to be my post-baby workout too. I'll take this little orange inside me for a walk in the stroller and Libby on the leash. I daydream about those days!

Speaking of daydreams... the other day I was daydreaming about my water breaking and going into labor. I was picturing different possible scenarios and none really sounded great... I pictured it happening at work first, which is probably the worst possible place. Can you imagine your hygienist using her sharp instruments in your mouth and then suddenly writhing in pain from a contraction?? Or better yet have her polishing your teeth and all of a sudden hear a some water dripping/splashing below your head which is placed right in her lap as her water breaks?! Whoa. Talk about traumatic dental experiences. Perhaps I won't be working that late into my pregnancy though... Then I started daydreaming about my water breaking at home. I decided the only acceptable rooms would be the kitchen or the bathroom everywhere else has carpet and I don't even know how you go about cleaning that up. eeeeee......
I also daydreamed about these happening and Andrew being at work. If I am at work then I'd be REALLY close to the hospital and Andrew wouldn't be terribly far but my hospital bag would be at home.... maybe that means I should keep that in my car. :) I pictured what his reaction would be to a phone call, or his reaction to waking up in the middle of the night. How exciting.... what lovely daydreams...

In other news- my feet have been getting SO sore by the end of the night... which I'm pretty sure has nothing to do with being pregnant and has everything to do with that they always do when I'm on them a lot. I have a new routine now that I LOVE. Every night at supper I soak my feet in COLD water with Epsom salts as we're eating. It is incredibly rejuvenating to my feet and my soul. :) Last night I came home from an extra long day at work and was pretty mopey about it all and I was going to lay down in bed for a while when I saw that my awesome husband got me a bouquet of flowers. What a dear! :) So instead I laid on the floor of the dining room under the ceiling fan with my feet up on a chair. It was a sight, apparently. Andrew came in and thought I was crazy... then he gave my feet the most amazing foot massages ever. I love him. :)

You know who else I love??? (In a different way of course)  My sister, Michelle. She is coming out to visit next week and I CAN NOT WAIT!!! She's bringing the MegaBus out to Toledo (which is what I told you about and then deleted) and we're going to head straight to Babies 'R Us to register for some goodies!!! :) Well, we may make a stop at Steak & Shake on the way. (WOW I love that place!) Once we get home we're going to have so much fun ORGANIZING everything. I'm super-psyched. We have to convert my craft room/closet overflow/guest room into a nursery... while still keeping all those other things in there. I love to organize- really I do... but when it's something so huge a project like that I need reinforcements and my sister is the perfect candidate.

Much love!

Father, I thank you for providing a loving husband, a plentiful garden, and a home to live in. I thank you for this amazing miracle inside my womb and I marvel at the beauty of you knowing who this baby is and the person this baby will become, for you have been knitting him together for 15 weeks! I pray that you would continue to be with my baby and shape her into a healthy strong child. I pray that you would help Andrew and I as we prepare to become parents and have the unforeseeable decisions to make. Give us wisdom as we get ready to welcome our child into your world. May we be a blessing to your name forever. Amen.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Week 13: One Trimester Down, Two to Go!

 Size of Baby: Peach. "I'm a Peach! A Rockford Peach! I made it! I can't stay!!!"
Symptoms: digestive issues of course, round ligament pain
Cravings: spicy things, specifically chips and salsa, buffalo chicken, hot tamales
Aversions: nothing, really
Weight: 150
aw look! it's a bump!!!
  I actually wrote this week's entry on Tuesday. Today is Saturday. I was adding the pictures in today and I somehow managed to completely erase everything I wrote on Tuesday. You can imagine my frustration and anger at this very moment. It wasn't a short little post either. It included info on my newly acquired cloth diapers, it included my first MegaBus adventure, it included my joyful reflection of my spontaneous trip to the beach with my sister and her family. I have no desire to write about such things again right now so I'm sorry that you don't get to hear all about them. Perhaps someday I'll come back to it, but I wouldn't hold my breath!

I leave tomorrow for my first work trip- lets hope this digestive system cooperates with being around non-family members in close spaces!!! ;)  (sorry, Julie!!)
I picked out all my outfits on Tuesday to make sure I took stuff that fit. I purposely chose things that would not hide that little bump I got... Otherwise I think I'll just look fat!

Sorry this is such a lame post. I think it was a really good one but I have no idea how to find the old one... Blogger automatically saves everything like every 10 seconds and I kept hitting undo to no avail. Boo.
Ok well- better luck next week. Actually... I don't get back until Wednesday night and I have another appointment the following Tuesday so maybe I'll just wait until after that. We'll see.

Hope you all are having a great weekend!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Week 12: Popping out!

Size of Baby: Plum (or Lime again??) 2.5 in.
Symptoms: digestive issues, sleepiness, stronger nails!
Cravings: nothing too strong
Aversions: no major aversions but none of my dinners really taste good to me.
Weight: 148
  So my "baby bump" has been trying to make an appearance for a number of weeks now. I'd get all excited that I'm starting to show in the evenings but then in the morning I'd be back to normal. So really I was just showing my food baby! WELL this week- when I wake up in the morning that little belly is STILL there! It gets MUCH bigger by the end of the day and is generally uncomfortable but I can't say I don't like it. The pictures above were taken in the morning (hence my sleepy eyes and whitening trays) so that's a true belly there- without the added food.

Speaking of food- I'm hungry and I'm ready to take these whitening trays out so I can get some cocoa/peanut butter puffs in my belly. YUM! Andrew and I went with his brother and his girlfriend to the Henry County Fair last night to watch the truck pulls (yes I'm writing this blog a little late...) I'm not so into watch pulls but I decided it was a good idea to go along because I could get some cheese curds. I love me some fried food!!! They were just as delightful as I anticipated but I probably shouldn't have eaten the last 5. Oh well!

This week I went through a whole bunch of maternity clothes that my sister and sister-in-law gave me. It was like Christmas! I then decided that it was a good idea to go through ALL my clothes and take out what doesn't fit already, and what I know I'll never wear again, and what I know I won't wear again until the baby is here. Organizing clothes may be one of my favorite things. My closet has now expanded tremendously!

My office is going on a "business" trip soon and I was somewhat trying to figure out what I could wear to that... Then I decided I better wait to decide what I'm taking to that until it's closer to the time because who knows if stuff will fit by then! For example- I tried on a bunch of maternity jeans on Tuesday and 2 of them fit me nicely then. Last night (Friday) I tried both of those pairs on and they were too small. As in they looked like they were painted on my thighs. Now surely my thighs didn't grow that much in 3 short days?!?

Ok my hour is up and my tummy is growling! Time for food!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Week 11: More of the Same

Size of Baby: Lime
Symptoms: exhaustion, occasional crying spurts, really jacked up digestive system, throaty phlegm-I've actually had this for basically the whole time..... funny I kept forgetting it.
Cravings: hot beverages  (I mean, it feels like fall around here!)
Aversions: Most things- especially sweet things that should be salty: like pizza.
Weight: 149
   I almost gave my unborn kid some birth defects. Well THAT was close! *phew!* All I wanted tonight was some Wild Berry Zinger tea. Is that so complicated? I mean-- I have some already. I didn't have to beg the hubbo to go get me some.... it's in my tea box. (which could be why I wanted it--- I'm so influenced by the power of suggestion.) HOWEVER! I remembered reading several places about avoiding herbal teas, so I figured I better make sure my Wild Berry Zinger wouldn't kill us. Sure enough- it contains Rosehips and Hibiscus.... two herbs that are not recommended during pregnancy due to birth defects, miscarriage, early labor, and low birth weight.  REALLY?!?!? Fortunately- my Peppermint Twist tea has no twists- just peppermint- which can be "settling for upset stomachs commonly experienced during pregnancy." How nice. I want my Wild Berry Zinger. I guess I'll just eat a whole bowl of blueberries along with it- that should help.

Maybe it will help my other problem too.... The fact that my digestive system is a TOTAL WRECK!!!! LORD!! GIVE ME SOME NORMALCY! Of course, Andrew would say this is normal for a King gut. I promise you, it isn't. I've given Activia (you have to sing that) a fair shot- every day for 2 weeks and it has done anything but make me regular. I've tried eating leafy greens-- I just end up pooping leafy greens. (Sorry, was that too much?!) I'm pretty sure my body isn't using anything that I'm feeding it. Except for that 10 oz steak I ate on Saturday... I guess the baby and I used that right up.
I wish I could go with Ms. Frizzle and the Magic School Bus and take a tour of my digestive system... just to see what the heck is going on in there.

Today was the first day I told my patients, "I'd like to get you scheduled for your next prophy cleaning- We're looking at FEBRUARY!!!!!" That means the month that I give birth to this child is only a prophy recall away!!!!!!!! WOWSERS. I think I'll be pushing before I know it. I think I better get a crib...

I guess I should go take a shower... my legs are super-hairy. Another lively side-effect of pregnancy. I love how they are called "side effects," like being pregnant is a drug.
Then again... let's reflect on my pregnancy brain as of late and reconsider this being "drugged."

As for that symptom/side effect of occasional crying spurts... last night I snuggled up to Andrew in bed and he stated that he would only snuggle if I moved back over to my side of the bed. Most people might think he's just a smart guy thinking ahead (of when I fall asleep and he's crowded with no room to sprawl) but what was my reaction??? Instant anger and hurt- I vehemently rolled over to my side, back to him, and started BAWLING. What the heck.

 I'm almost done with my 1st trimester and you've totally pulled me through with zero vomitting!!! Kudos to you, God... You've done it again! :) Amazed me with your simple miracles. Help me to enjoy every step of this pregnancy because like a friend told me, no subsequent one will be anything like it. Thank you for the joy and love that I feel already for this child just by hearing the heartbeat. You are an amazing Creator, and I could never express my gratitude and awe of your work enough! May your name be blessed!
Love you for always. -B.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Week 10: The News is Out!

Size of Baby: Prune
Symptoms: Forgetfulness, clumsiness, jacked up digestive system
Cravings: nothing too strong- LOVE cheeseburgers!
Aversions: apparently homemade tacos... or just fresh lettuce
Weight: 148
 FINALLY! The news is out and I'm free as a bird. I love the freedom of not having to hold in a secret and watching what I say! :) It has been so fun letting people know we are expecting and seeing the full range of reactions: from "yeah i knew it" to sucking in all the oxygen from the room. You can guess which is more fun to see. I haven't made it facebook official yet as I type this, but will probably do so sometime today.

Andrew and I went to my first OB appointment on Tuesday and it was an awesome appointment! We met my doctor for the first time- Dr Karen Reiter in Defiance and I am so excited for her to be my doctor! She is energetic, positive, relaxed- not pushy, and super-friendly. Score! :) And the bonus is, she does family medicine so our whole family can continue to see her after the baby is born. Andrew already has his own doctor, so he won't and we haven't actually decided if we will have his doctor or my doctor be our baby's doctor... She said we have about 6 months to decide that!  Whoa.

At this first appointment there were a ton of questions, a slew of tests, and then the best part... we got to hear the heartbeat!!! It. was. amazing. It made it all SO very real! There really is a tiny little human inside my belly. WHAT?!? It's quite startling when you actually get your brain wrapped around it. Hearing that little rapid heartbeat felt like I already had a connection with the little guy! (or gal!) And I can't seem to put it into words, but it was there. It was definitely there.

I was on cloud 9 the rest of the day- which was spent at work! I told my boss and co-workers that day and it was so fun! What a relief to not have to hide things. I don't know how people do it.

One question we get asked a lot is if we are going to find out the sex of the baby... and our standard answer is, "We haven't decided yet." And we haven't. I would like to know because shoot- I wanna know! But I really don't want to get a bunch of boy or girl things given to me and I don't want a ton of clothes graciously given at a shower!! So if we do decide to find out- We won't be sharing the news with anyone... (or many). Plus, isn't it so much more fun to hear someone had a baby and you're like oo!! boy or girl?!?! name?!?! honestly, I don't care much about weight (unless its huge or tiny) and I certainly don't care about the length of a baby. But to each his own.

We are also planning on cloth diapering our little babe. Now you're probably thinking "SICK!" "ARE YOU A HIPPIE?!" or just "WHY?!?!"  and you may not know much or anything about MODERN cloth diapering. Much like I didn't!!! If you're thinking you were cloth diapered, as in your mom used cloth diapers... well of course she did- that was many many years ago.... It's come a long way! I do not plan on using the cloth diapers that my sister uses for burp rags, or big diaper pins, or vinyl pants. I plan on using BumGenius OS 4.0 diapers and Diaper Rite Pocket Diapers. They work basically the same was as disposables except I'll throw them in the wash instead of the landfill. I would certainly not proclaim to be a hippie... I would however claim to be a cheapie, and cloth diapering is WAY cheaper than disposables, especially if you have more than one kid in your life. The fact that it's more eco-friendly is just an added bonus in my mind! Another concern may be that I'll have to deal with poop. Well, friends, I would have to deal with poop anyway... When the babe is just breastfed the poop is water-soluble which means it doesn't need washed off before it gets thrown in the washer! And no- no poop will be on the rest of our clothes. Once they get older you just plop it in the toilet, which I don't feel is a big deal. The sticky, messy, non-ploppable kind can get sprayed into the toilet with a sprayer that attaches to the toilet, or with a spatula that stays in the bathroom. You may think that's disgusting. I think it's better than blowouts with disposables that get EVERYWHERE.    
That may have been a long defensive little spurt about cloth diapering but I'm really super-excited to try it. And maybe I really will hate it and cave after a while. I think we'll start trying it after the babe is 6-8 weeks old. I really don't think I'm a better person for trying cloth diapering (i'm just cheap), but I am aware of the negative thoughts people have towards it and that is probably why I am being defensive about it. Maybe you actually do cloth diaper (it is pretty popular... just not around here...) and love it! Either way, I'd love your support in this endeavor! :)

Well that was exciting. I think I'm done now... Let me go take some pictures of myself so you can see this little pooch I'm getting....!!!!  (ok so I just took those pictures at the top here this morning... last night i was MUCH bigger. The pooch is usually a food pooch but who cares!

Week 9: Actual Date of Writing: 7/17/13

Size of Baby: green olive/grape
Symptoms: terrible dreams, fatigue, larger boobs and boob parts, constipation
Cravings: still with the salty carbs- but not as strong as before, also fresh fruits sound good again!
Aversions: not too much- sweets have been reintroduced!
Weight: 148
   Really?!? I haven't really gained weight yet?!? I feel like a fat lard! I thought/think I'd be so excited to start showing but actually- my flat stomach was the only thing I had going for me that I felt good about! Now my belly matches my flubby thighs, bedonkadonk butt, and massive muscle-less calves. Boo. I feel fat.

The bad thing is, I don't think I'm supposed to show this early, and it's probably just bloating but it's enough that I can't suck it in! What?!?!

So last weekend we FINALLY started telling people we're expecting! It was SO RELIEVING! I told Michelle on Skype on Friday- as the first official person to know! (not counting my massage therapist the night before!) She was super-excited and happy for me which of course made me super-excited! She then proceeded to dig out her fat-girl jeans and maternity shirts and books. :) She's the best. Our sister-in-law, Kate, has the rest of her maternity clothes but she is expecting her little girl in about a month so she said I could come get most of them whenever I want. She of course lives 5 hours  (too far) away!

The next day- at our Hershey Family Reunion I took mom to the dining hall to spread our her birthday present- the HUGE family tree! At the bottom of it I taped our little family tree to include "Lil Spotts- February 19, 2014." It took her 3 times of looking at it before she noticed it!!! :) Then as the extended family trickled in they saw it and the news spread! It was fun getting many great reactions. And somewhat awkward...

I learned everyone's first question is how I'm feeling (followed by "are you going to find out") When I say not bad, they are so happy and then hear that I was only 8 weeks along and said it could still come... BAH! I am feeling BETTER these days- not worse! :) God has been gracious to this poor soul.

We then told Andrew's parents Monday night when we invited ourselves for supper. We gave them diapers as a gift to open. Then we went to Clemma's and Jon & Jenny's and told them. Love all around.

I must say- I am a hugger and I feel like this is hug-worthy news so I'm a bit disappointed I'm not getting more hugs! Although, I admit- my cousin Lisa did hug and cry when I told her. Bless her for that! I guess I did know that most of my friends are not huggers. eh- I guess Andrew will just have to fill that void in my life! :)

We told Andrews other grandparents last night and now we just have our friends to tell!!! I am going to go visit Erika and Harley tonight and I can't wait to hear what she has to say!!!

Well- Time for another BLT!!! :)

   God thank you for being so gracious to me during this 1st trimester so far. Thank you that I can share this wonderful news with everyone and for their happiness and support! Amen.

Week 8: Actual Date of Writing: 7/9/13

Too lazy for a picture this week!
Size of Baby: Raspberry
Symptoms: massive burping, sore boobs, unstoppable crying, dropping/breaking EVERYTHING, nausea, weird dreams every night!
Cravings: French Fries! fried food, anything salty
Food Aversions: Salad, sweets, most things
Weight: 149

   I just spent the first 5 1/2 hours of my day reading pregnancy blogs online. Any and all things pregnancy/baby/delivery. There is SO MUCH INFORMATION!!!!!!! The plan was to do lots of cleaning (our house REALLY needs it!) and laundry and make supper. I guess it's not too late for supper but pretty sure today was as unproductive as possible.

But I LOVE THE INFORMATION!!!! I didn't even put pants on until 1:00pm (one hour ago). Oh boy. I am such a winner.

My super-talented friend Erika Nofziger, however, had a very productive day today! She popped out baby Harley Michael this morning at 5am!!!! SOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!