Friday, July 26, 2013

Week 10: The News is Out!

Size of Baby: Prune
Symptoms: Forgetfulness, clumsiness, jacked up digestive system
Cravings: nothing too strong- LOVE cheeseburgers!
Aversions: apparently homemade tacos... or just fresh lettuce
Weight: 148
 FINALLY! The news is out and I'm free as a bird. I love the freedom of not having to hold in a secret and watching what I say! :) It has been so fun letting people know we are expecting and seeing the full range of reactions: from "yeah i knew it" to sucking in all the oxygen from the room. You can guess which is more fun to see. I haven't made it facebook official yet as I type this, but will probably do so sometime today.

Andrew and I went to my first OB appointment on Tuesday and it was an awesome appointment! We met my doctor for the first time- Dr Karen Reiter in Defiance and I am so excited for her to be my doctor! She is energetic, positive, relaxed- not pushy, and super-friendly. Score! :) And the bonus is, she does family medicine so our whole family can continue to see her after the baby is born. Andrew already has his own doctor, so he won't and we haven't actually decided if we will have his doctor or my doctor be our baby's doctor... She said we have about 6 months to decide that!  Whoa.

At this first appointment there were a ton of questions, a slew of tests, and then the best part... we got to hear the heartbeat!!! It. was. amazing. It made it all SO very real! There really is a tiny little human inside my belly. WHAT?!? It's quite startling when you actually get your brain wrapped around it. Hearing that little rapid heartbeat felt like I already had a connection with the little guy! (or gal!) And I can't seem to put it into words, but it was there. It was definitely there.

I was on cloud 9 the rest of the day- which was spent at work! I told my boss and co-workers that day and it was so fun! What a relief to not have to hide things. I don't know how people do it.

One question we get asked a lot is if we are going to find out the sex of the baby... and our standard answer is, "We haven't decided yet." And we haven't. I would like to know because shoot- I wanna know! But I really don't want to get a bunch of boy or girl things given to me and I don't want a ton of clothes graciously given at a shower!! So if we do decide to find out- We won't be sharing the news with anyone... (or many). Plus, isn't it so much more fun to hear someone had a baby and you're like oo!! boy or girl?!?! name?!?! honestly, I don't care much about weight (unless its huge or tiny) and I certainly don't care about the length of a baby. But to each his own.

We are also planning on cloth diapering our little babe. Now you're probably thinking "SICK!" "ARE YOU A HIPPIE?!" or just "WHY?!?!"  and you may not know much or anything about MODERN cloth diapering. Much like I didn't!!! If you're thinking you were cloth diapered, as in your mom used cloth diapers... well of course she did- that was many many years ago.... It's come a long way! I do not plan on using the cloth diapers that my sister uses for burp rags, or big diaper pins, or vinyl pants. I plan on using BumGenius OS 4.0 diapers and Diaper Rite Pocket Diapers. They work basically the same was as disposables except I'll throw them in the wash instead of the landfill. I would certainly not proclaim to be a hippie... I would however claim to be a cheapie, and cloth diapering is WAY cheaper than disposables, especially if you have more than one kid in your life. The fact that it's more eco-friendly is just an added bonus in my mind! Another concern may be that I'll have to deal with poop. Well, friends, I would have to deal with poop anyway... When the babe is just breastfed the poop is water-soluble which means it doesn't need washed off before it gets thrown in the washer! And no- no poop will be on the rest of our clothes. Once they get older you just plop it in the toilet, which I don't feel is a big deal. The sticky, messy, non-ploppable kind can get sprayed into the toilet with a sprayer that attaches to the toilet, or with a spatula that stays in the bathroom. You may think that's disgusting. I think it's better than blowouts with disposables that get EVERYWHERE.    
That may have been a long defensive little spurt about cloth diapering but I'm really super-excited to try it. And maybe I really will hate it and cave after a while. I think we'll start trying it after the babe is 6-8 weeks old. I really don't think I'm a better person for trying cloth diapering (i'm just cheap), but I am aware of the negative thoughts people have towards it and that is probably why I am being defensive about it. Maybe you actually do cloth diaper (it is pretty popular... just not around here...) and love it! Either way, I'd love your support in this endeavor! :)

Well that was exciting. I think I'm done now... Let me go take some pictures of myself so you can see this little pooch I'm getting....!!!!  (ok so I just took those pictures at the top here this morning... last night i was MUCH bigger. The pooch is usually a food pooch but who cares!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I just saw this, and I have to say you should check out Sunbaby diapers. They are made in China, but they are way cheaper than other brands I've tried and I like them just as much! They work just as well. I would try out few bamboo inserts though and see if you like them, because I feel like they work alot better than microfiber (we have hard water and it seems to ruin our microfiber inserts, no matter how much water softener I use).
