Friday, July 26, 2013

Week 5 : Actual Date of Writing: 6/19/13

Week 5
Size of Baby: Apple Seed
Symptoms: fatigue, occasional cramps
Weight: {am I really going to share this with the world???}  147
Week 5
OH MY WORD! I'm PREGNANT! I still have to remind myself of this a couple times a day! So we have known for a week and a half. I figured out my due date and it looks like it's February 19! Hopefully it doesn't get moved up since my parents will be in Argentina on their bike ride!
Finding out: I had bought some pregnancy tests that said they could tell as early as 6 days before a missed period. I knew I wouldn't be able to wait so I chose those. {now after reading lots of pregnancy literature online I realize it's next to impossible to tell 6 days before, or at all before your missed period}... Andrew was in DC for work the week of the "6 day" mark but we were meeting at my parents for the weekend. On Thursday (6days prior) I took the test. I didn't read the directions- thinking how hard is it to pee on a stick? The results were negative. I was a little bummed but I hadn't given up hope because it was likely that it was too early to tell. So I left for my parents' Thursday evening. We came back Sunday and while Andrew was outside I took another test. This was 3 days before the missed aunt flo. It was POSITIVE!!! My initial reaction was big eyes and a big smile! I thought, "is this for real?!" "Uh oh!!!"
Andrew and I already invited Kelby and Kendra over for the evening to play some games so I didn't want to tell Andrew right before they got there! Of course, while they were here they made comments about being pregnant, etc... Little did ANYONE ELSE know!!! After they left I still didn't want to tell Andrew since we had been separated for a week.... if you catch my drift... So after we reconnected I came back upstairs and hopped into bed and said you better not fall asleep yet! I just looked at him and he knew right away. "Why? Are you pregnant?" "YUP!"
We are both excited. We are both scared! I have done a lot of reading already and Andrew has done some listening! :)

I really wanted (and still do!) to tell Michelle about it right away and also email Steph and tell her since she is in Australia/PNG! But Andrew won't let me. He said we should just enjoy this time that just the 2 of us know. (he is so wise) I was ok with this for the first week, but last night we may have had a little tiff over it. I feel like telling someone else will make it more REAL!

So now I need to find a doctor. I really want to see a midwife, or nurse practitioner, or at least a female Dr... But Andrew only has his male dr and since I'm can't talk to anyone about it, I have to do all my research online instead of asking friends!! I need to do some more research and just pick one so I can get my first appt scheduled! I should start a list of questions for her.

Everyone knows how much I would rather have a girl than a boy and wish everyone had girls, seems like everyone has boys! (except for my little friend, Eliana) I have such a strong connection to my niece, Greta, but not really to any boy babes... (again except for little Lowen who I babysit once a week...) Well-- The thought has already occurred to me- I really don't care if it's a boy or a girl! As long as I get a girl someday!

Many couples struggle over picking names for the babies, so it seems. I am so glad that Andrew and I already have a boy and girl name picked! Of course- it's always subject to change but at least we have ones we agree on! Hallelujah!

Well I'm exhausted and I think we're all caught up here... We go to Little Eden this weekend then Karla and the boys and Mom come out to visit. I've read week 6 is when you start feeling morning sickness so hopefully I don't get that! Please, Lord! Spare me! The week after that we go home on the cycles with Kelby and Kendra and go White Water Rafting and the week after that is the Hershey Weekend! I guess we will be telling people before we know it!

Dear Lord, Please bless my little appleseed baby. Help him/her to develop into a strong, healthy, God-fearing child. Help Andrew and I to know what to do during these next couple of weeks! Help us know when the right time is to tell our family and friends. and Lord, THANK YOU for giving us this blessing and allowing my body the miracle of growing a baby. All my love, all my life.

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